Thursday, 26 November 2009

Spiced Clementines

Who doesn't like boozy fruit at Christmas?

After spiced pear gate last year (only two sets of aunties and uncles liking it after slaving over hot jars and making the flat smell like pickle for months) I decided to go with something boozy this year. So spiced clementines it is.

I won't pretend I made up this recipe, I actually got it form Tesco's Food Club magazine, although it didn't tell you what kind of sugar to use or how much brandy to add so I'm just hoping that they turn out well. Time will tell anyway. I've made a couple of jars that aren't in Le Parfait jars just ones I had left over for re-cycling but as they don't have any vinegar or corrosive based juice in them I just washed and sterilised them.

So, I peeled a massive bowl of clementines (six for each jar), took off huge amounts of pith and saved two peels to cut into thin strips.

The after sterilising the jars (I got my beautiful ones form Lakeland as I'm completely obsessed with the place) I added the fruit with three clove, two cinnamon sticks and a star anise.

Then I added the syrup that I'd made from heating 50g of preserving sugar with 2 tablespoons of water then simmering until it thickened, then taking it off the boil I added 1 tablespoon of brandy and leaving it to cool for a couple of minutes before adding it to the jars and sealing.

They need to be kept to mature for a month and eaten after three months. Hopefully the family will enjoy them.

I want to eat them now they smell sooooooo good :D

For full photoset please have a nosey at my flickr Spiced Clementine set

Monday, 23 November 2009

A little bit about this blog

I decided to start a separate blog as I like to keep the one on my website more burlesque orientated rather than all the gumph that floats around in my head that I like to spill. So this is it. These are things that I have done, places I’ve been, things I’ve seen, drinks I’ve shared, story swaps, sparkly things, friends and family, loves, likes, hates, probably way too much wrestling info for anyone, general prattishness, previews etc.

My other half told me I should be keeping a diary considering the changes that have happened in the last year and a half and the things that are due to come. So here it is, my diary, well up to a certain point. I won’t be blogging about every little detail in my life as it will be tres boring and I’m not one for giving every part of myself away. I have someone beautiful and loving and the bestest to share it with already, so no juicy gossip I’m afraid there will however be lots of cake so if you’re all for less gossip, more cake then please keep checking and reading.