Friday, 22 January 2010

Snow, Plants, Shoes and a Bear

It snowed, a lot! I got a day and a half as a snow day at work. I made a very scary snowman, who looked like this:

Note the tiny sombreo, tangerine eyes and Quentin Crisp type scarf :D

I’ve been in the studio with Kate again this month, and after coming up with the great (?) idea of having a storyline for the next photoshoot of a clothes eating plant, I had to actually make the thing… be honest I was quite impressed with my crafty skillzzzzzz, here are the pics bit by bit:

I have called him Timothy 2. The photoset is currently being tinkered with by Kate and should be up on the site within the next few months.

Annnnnd as a sneaky peek, and as a testament to hot frikkin hot she makes me look, here’s a pic in the second shoot’s outfit:

In other news, I am soon to buy this VoH dress for a friends wedding, but have bought the shoes below after lusting after then for two years but not being about to find them in the UK. I looked on ebay today and there they were, in my size, which is an awkward one so I am a very happy girl. I will be expecting to receive them soon and shall be tottering around the streets of Manchester in them :D

And my husband was nice enough to make this photo of me today. I is a bear.

1 comment:

  1. Those shoes are lush and very you - glad you managed to get hold of them.

    I am literally a click away from buying another VOH. Keep talking myself out of it but I want that red sweetheart dress - I know I'm going to end up caving soon it's only a matter of time.

